Shop and Support
Support us while you do your shopping
The Sandbox is now enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. You can support us when doing your weekly shopping! Just register your Kroger Rewards card with the Kroger Community Rewards program and choose The Sandbox, #NT918, as your organization. Each time you shop we will receive a small donation from Kroger.
- Go to
- Click on Sign In or Create an Account
- If creating an account, enter your Kroger Rewards number in Step 3.
- Once your account is created, log in and under ‘Savings and Rewards’, click on ‘Kroger Community Rewards’.
- Choose ‘I’m a Customer’. Search for ‘Sandbox of Hilton Head’ or ‘NT918’.
- Choose us and click “enroll”.
- You will then see your profile listed as enrolled with The Sandbox as your designated organization.
If you do not have a Kroger Rewards card you can pick one up at the customer service desk the next time you are in the store.
Amazon Wish List
Did you know you can add an item to be sent directly to The Sandbox from your Amazon account? We have created a wish list of items we use often and those we would like to add to our exhibits. Any gift we receive is appreciated. Here is a link to our Amazon wish list if you would like to send us any of these items.